CAMPLUS course demonstration
Section outline
Welcome to the demonstration e-learning course of the CAMPLUS project!Per il corso in lingua italiana, puoi visitare la pagina di Camplus [CEIPES ETS]Der deutsche Camplus-Kurs ist auf der Moodle-Seite des WHKT zu finden.Pour le français, veuillez visiter le cours Camplus de CMAtlv.Για τα ελληνικά, επισκεφθείτε το Camplus course του iED.Visit our CAMPLUS project socials with the following links: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, X (formerly Twitter)Project partners:
Listed here are the ressource that have been developed during the course of the CAMPLUS project. They constitute the concept and the backbone of the CAMPLUS training and are the primary tools for its teachers and trainers.
The relevant excerpts from the manual can also be found at the beginning of each module as a Word document.
The learning goals for this module are:
- learning to be aware of your learning experiences
- recognising your own skills and qualities in these experiences
- becoming aware of the relevance of documenting these experiences
The learning goals for this module are:
- learn to use and strengthen the ‘recognised’ competences: your personal strengths and development points
- using the insights gathered here to fill in your personal portfolio
After reflecting upon yourself in Section 1, what have you learned about yourself? Summarize and think about your findings from the previous lessons. Try to answer using at least as many words as the section requires.
Choose 10 personal values and reflect on them.
The learning goals for this module are:
- how to assess, guide and advise learners
- learning different facets of assessing competencies
- shifting the mindset for assessing with a 'red' pencil to assessing with a 'green' pencil
Submissions opened: Thursday, 4 April 2024, 9:37 AMAssessments opened: Thursday, 4 April 2024, 9:37 AM
This is a collaborative exercise in which you get to assess each others portfolios, that you have created in Lesson M1.6.
This exercise has two parts. For part 1, just upload your own portfolio. If you are worried about privacy, remove your private information, like name, adress or photo beforehand. For part 2, assess the portfolio of another student using the criteria provided in this PDF: Link to PDF "Criteria for portfolio assessment".
An interview is different from a conversation. Take a test on the basics of the criteria-based interview. You will find the information you need for the test in the following PDF: Link to PDF "M3.3 Criteria-based Interview"
The learning goals for this module are:
embracing the power of your learning history for the sake of reaching out to further learning and/or career perspectives
knowing who you are and what your potential is
The learning goals for this module are:
- getting to know what kind of
entrepreneur you are
- reflecting on your entrepreneurial perspective
- Getting grip on your business plan for becoming a trainer by exploring the PDCA-cycle
- getting to know what kind of
entrepreneur you are
Deepen your entrepreneurial profile by using this self-test.
The learning goals for this module are:
- getting to know what kind of organisation set-up fits best
- getting grip on the business development plan for setting up an effective organisation
- focusing on the business
development plan
The learning goals for this module are:
- understanding Europe’s history and culture
- being able to link your personal aims and values to Europe’s aims and values
- mastering the European Qualification Passport for Refugees (EQPR)
- knowing how to self-assess your language proficiency in an European language
Take the 4 EU & ME quizzes and afterwards take this test to see if you can remember some of the most important facts.
You can find the EU & ME quiz at this address:
Get to know the values and aims put forth by the European government.
Become familiar with the European Qualifications Passport for Refugees (EQPR): a special international tool developed to assess refugee’s qualifications for which there is insufficient or missing documentation.
How well do you speak another language? Try to self assess your language proficiency in a European language.
Here are some ressources to help you learn a European language and to document which languages you already speak, using the European Language Passport.